Plan to Thrive on AI not Just Survive.

Here are some tips on how.


Artificial intelligence is here to stay, and while it offers some big benefits, there is understandable fear that it will replace human workers, leading to unemployment and inequality. However, it is essential to understand that your response to AI will determine whether you will lose out, survive it, or thrive on it. Those who thrive will have a positive response to AI and stay close to key developments. They will use it to develop their personal brand to leverage their unique human characteristics.


Changes Afoot

According to a McKinsey study, AI will augment human capabilities, freeing up workers to engage in more productive and higher-value tasks. There will be an increase in demand for skills associated with AI technologies, but other workers may lose out.

AI can boost innovation, with companies improving their top line by reaching underserved markets more effectively. Over the longer term entirely new products and services will emerge. Here’s the opportunity for those who are prepared. It’s all about mindset. As a recent BCG-MIT study showed, used in the right way, AI can benefit both employees and businesses. Well prepared individuals will work with AI in an optimal combination of both human and AI input to maximise productivity.


Three Categories of People

As AI continues to impact the workforce, people will fall into three broad categories: those who lose out, those who merely survive, and those who thrive. Those who lose out will be those who do not adapt to the changes, resist AI adoption, and refuse to learn new skills. Those who merely survive will be those who adapt to AI but do not embrace it fully, viewing it merely as a necessary evil. Those who thrive will be those who wholeheartedly embrace AI, see its potential, and use it to their advantage.


Thriving with AI: Three Strategies

Thrivers will use three key strategies that will help them succeed in a world increasingly shaped by AI.


Strategy 1: Maintain a Positive and Productive Response to AI

People who maintain a positive mindset towards AI are those who view it as a tool that can enhance their work, rather than a threat to their livelihoods. They focus on finding ways to use AI to their advantage, such as using AI-powered tools to increase productivity, automate repetitive tasks, and gain new insights into data. They are also open to learning new skills that will enable them to work differently in areas such as data analysis, automation, and programming.


Strategy 2: Keep Up to Date with the Key Developments

Thrivers will keep themselves up to date on the latest developments. Through curiosity they develop an ongoing awareness of the key developments and understand how they can leverage them to enhance their work. This means staying up to date with the latest AI technologies, reading industry publications, following thought leaders and networking with others in the field.


Strategy 3: Develop a Personal Brand

The missing characteristic of AI is a unique, human personality and life experience. Thrivers will play to the strengths of their own personality, using humour, where AI doesn’t work so well, and creative flair, to stand out. Developing a personal brand to showcase your unique qualities and experiences. Create a strong online presence, such as a website or social media accounts, showcase your skills, experience, and personality using humour and panache. Use video and audio wherever possible for a personal touch. Participate in online and networking communities to showcase your expertise and connect with others in your field.


A Challenge You Can Meet

While AI presents significant challenges to people's livelihoods, it also offers immense opportunities for those who embrace it fully. To thrive with AI, you should adopt a positive and productive response to it, keep up to date on developments in AI tools, and develop your personal brand demonstrating your unique human qualities. By doing so, you position yourself for success in an increasingly AI-driven world.