Meditation for Productivity

Ten Weekly Lessons Online

Learn mindfulness meditation to use. science-backed techniques to quiet mental chatter, ignite intrinsic motivation, and unlock sustained focus. Guided meditations and actionable exercises help you overcome procrastination, prioritise tasks, and optimise your workflow. Achieve more with less effort and savour the joy of getting things done, smarter, not harder.

$ 390 / £ 300 / EUR 350

A Nine Week Personalised Course by Martin taught on Zoom

Learn mindfulness and meditation to manage Stress for a better Work - Life balance. The programme is tailored to your specific objectives and includes an introduction session to discuss these and match them to how your will learn.

$ 200 / £ 160 / EUR 185




20 - 22 SEPTEMBER 2024

About Our Courses

Our courses teach you how to use mindfulness tools throughout the day, in real time, to become more effective, and manage stress. 

Stress is a fact of life. It can be useful at times, alerting us to danger.

But sustained stress over long periods of time damages our physical and mental health. We become ineffective, drained, and jumpy, with low moods, poor decision-making and little creativity. If untreated, stress leads to chronic anxiety and depression in most cases. Work and our personal lives suffer. 

The methods taught are fully supported by scientific research and are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each  participant.    

What you learn

Participants learn mindfulness tools that can be used throughout the working day.

With a sense of greater control you work more effectively and become more resilient. You can see the events of the moment in the wider context of our lives.

Different approaches to meditation are taught and participants are encouraged to choose the one that suits them best. This capacity to build a regular meditation practice forms the foundation of mindfulness, enabling the brain to reconfigure from “react” to “respond” mode. It reminds us, in the heat of the moment, that we are in control of how we respond to situations. We do not have to act on autopilot and pick up the pieces later or put up with painful emotional experiences and poor outcomes. 

All people wishing to manage stress and anxiety better.

Those wishing to proactively prevent stress becoming a problem.

Those with responsibilities for the wellbeing of other people in such positions .

Intended audience

Previous knowledge

No previous knowledge of mindfulness, meditation or stress management is required. A willingness to learn, an open mind and a determination to put the tools learned into practice are the only requirements to  join the course.

Our courses are practical, explaining how the mindfulness tools work and why. Explanations are easy to follow, with step by step instructions and clear examples of how to use them. There are plenty of opportunities to practice the tools.

Follow up one-to-one training is available for delegates in most cases.